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How to Obtain a Protective Order

Protective orders in Fairfax County VA are an excellent option for individuals and/or families who have experienced abuse. Protective orders can protect the family or individuals from further abuse and give them peace of mind as the take legal action against the abuser and carry on with their daily lives.

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Family Pet and Divorce

For some of us, our pets are like family. Unfortunately, when it comes to separation and divorce, the question of who will keep the family pet may become as contentious as a custody battle for the parties’ children. In 2011, the Virginia Court of Appeals weighed in on this issue

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Child Support for Adult Disabled Child

There is a changing legal landscape with regard to the heavily litigated issue of whether the Court has authority to award a parent child support for a disabled child who is over the age of majority, especially when the court never made a finding of disability when the child was

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Student Loans and Divorce

With the downturn in the economy, many people are going back to school to increase their chances of finding better or new employment. Now what happens to those student loans during a divorce? In determining what happens to the student loans during a divorce, the court looks at a few

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Common-Law Marriage in Virginia

What is “common-law marriage” and how does it apply in Virginia? “Common-law marriage” occurs when a couple live together and hold themselves out as married but never go through the formal legal requirements required by the state, such as getting a marriage license and/or having the marriage solemnized in a

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We are often met with difficult decisions, especially when it comes to the possibility of having to relocate out of the area due to extenuating circumstances. Sometimes one of the biggest factors in this decision is how it would affect a person’s chances in a custody and visitation matter. Relocation

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The Evolution of Protective Orders

The laws on “protective orders,” or what are commonly referred to as restraining orders, have been drastically changing over the last few years. For example, one of the greatest changes was in 2010, when the Virginia state legislature changed the law to allow for people to seek an extension of an

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